The Ultimate Guide to Google Tasks on Web

Google Tasks is a free todolist app from Google. It is available on iOS and Android. Google Tasks is available for you on the web as well. You can use it wihtin Gmail, Google Calendar or as an independent web app. This article is your comprehensive guide to using Google Tasks on the web.

Let’s get started.

Accessing Google Tasks

Google Tasks on the Web

You could access Tasks from various platforms, but our focus here is the web version.

If you want to use Tasks independentaly, bookmark this URL:

Access via Google Calendar

Google Tasks icon on Google Calendar website.
  1. Open Google Calendar: Go to and log in with your Google account.
  2. Open the Side Panel: On the right side of the screen, you’ll see a side panel with icons for Google Keep, Google Tasks, and Google Contacts. Click on the Google Tasks icon.

Access via Gmail

Google tasks icon on the Gmail website.
  1. Open Gmail: Go to and log in with your Google account.
  2. Open the Side Panel: Similar to Google Calendar, look at the right side of the screen for the Google Tasks icon and click on it.

Creating and Managing Tasks

Once you’ve accessed Google Tasks, you can start creating and managing your tasks.

Creating a Task

Add a task option in Tasks.
  1. Click on “Add a Task”: In the Google Tasks sidebar, click on the “+” button or “Add a Task” text box.
  2. Enter Task Details: Type the name of your task and press Enter.
  3. Add Details: Click on the task to add more details, including a description, due date, and subtasks.

Editing a Task

Editing a task on the web.
  1. Select a Task: Click on the task you want to edit.
  2. Edit Details: Modify the task name, description, due date, and subtasks as needed.
  3. Save Changes: Changes are saved automatically as you make them.

Deleting a Task

Deleting a task.
  1. Select a Task: Click on the task you want to delete.
  2. Delete: Click on the trash can icon to remove the task.

Navigating Google Tasks Interface

The Google Tasks interface is designed to be intuitive and user-friendly. Here’s a breakdown of the main components:

  1. Task Lists: On the left side, you can switch between different task lists or create a new one.
  2. Task Details Panel: The main area shows your tasks. Click on a task to expand it and view or edit details.
  3. Task Actions: Above the tasks, you have options to sort, delete, or mark all tasks as complete.

Task Lists

Task lists help organize your tasks into different categories. Here’s how to manage them:

Creating a New List

Creating a new Google Tasks List.
  1. Open the Menu: Click on the three horizontal lines at the top left of the Google Tasks sidebar.
  2. Create a List: Click on “Create new list” and enter a name for your new list.
  3. Switch Between Lists: Click on the list name to switch between different lists.

Renaming or Deleting a List

  1. Open the Menu: Click on the three horizontal lines at the top left of the Google Tasks sidebar.
  2. Manage Lists: Hover over the list name and click on the three dots that appear. Choose “Rename list” or “Delete list.”

Using with Google Calendar

Google Tasks integrates seamlessly with Google Calendar, allowing you to see your tasks alongside your events.

Viewing Tasks in Google Calendar

  1. Open Google Calendar: Go to
  2. Enable Tasks: On the left sidebar under “My calendars,” ensure that “Tasks” is checked.
  3. View Tasks: Your tasks will appear on the calendar on their due dates.

Adding Tasks from Google Calendar

  1. Create Task: In the Google Calendar side panel, click on the Google Tasks icon.
  2. Enter Task Details: Add the task name, due date, and any other details.
  3. Save: The task will appear in both Google Tasks and on your calendar.

Managing Task Due Dates in Calendar

  1. Select Task: Click on the task in Google Calendar.
  2. Edit Task: Change the due date or time directly from the calendar view.
  3. Save Changes: The updated task will reflect in both Calendar and Google Tasks.

Google Tasks with Gmail

Google Tasks can be used directly within Gmail, making it easy to turn emails into tasks.

Creating Tasks from Emails

  1. Open Gmail: Go to
  2. Select Email: Click on the email you want to turn into a task.
  3. Add to Tasks: Click on the “Add to Tasks” button (a small icon with a checkmark) at the top of the email.
  4. View Task: The email subject will be added as a task in Google Tasks.

Managing Email-Linked Tasks

  1. Open Google Tasks: In Gmail, click on the Google Tasks icon in the side panel.
  2. Select Task: Click on the task linked to an email.
  3. View Email: Click on the link in the task to open the original email.

Advanced Google Tasks Features

Task Details and Subtasks

Google Tasks allows you to add detailed information and subtasks to better organize your work.

Adding Details to a Task

  1. Select Task: Click on the task you want to add details to.
  2. Enter Details: Add a description or any relevant information in the details section.

Creating Subtasks

  1. Select Task: Click on the task to which you want to add subtasks.
  2. Add Subtask: Click on “Add subtasks” and enter the details for each subtask.
  3. Manage Subtasks: Drag and drop to rearrange subtasks or check them off as you complete them.

Organizing Tasks with Lists

Creating and managing lists helps keep your tasks organized by project or category.

Using Lists for Organization

  1. Create Lists: Make different lists for various projects, categories, or contexts.
  2. Switch Lists: Easily switch between lists to focus on specific areas of your work.

Setting Due Dates and Times

Adding due dates and times helps keep track of deadlines and schedules.

Setting a Due Date

  1. Select Task: Click on the task for which you want to set a due date.
  2. Add Date: Click on “Add date/time” and choose the due date from the calendar.

Setting a Specific Time

  1. Select Task: Click on the task for which you want to set a time.
  2. Add Time: After selecting the date, enter the specific time in the provided field.

Google Tasks Tips and Tricks

Keyboard Shortcuts

Using keyboard shortcuts can really help you zip through your tasks in Google. Here are some keyboard shortcuts you can use within your Tasks app:

  • Add a new task: Press Shift + T to quickly add a new task.
  • Move task up/down: Use Ctrl + ↑ or Ctrl + ↓ to move tasks up or down.
  • Complete task: Press Ctrl + Enter to mark a task as complete.

Using Google Assistant with Tasks

You can use Google Assistant to manage your tasks hands-free. I hope Google integrates Tasks with Gemini soon. Things should be much easier and fun to use with the natural language processing it offers.

Adding Tasks with Google Assistant

  1. Activate Assistant: Say “Hey Google” or activate the assistant on your device.
  2. Add Task: Say “Add a task to my to-do list” followed by the task details.
  3. Confirm: The task will be added to your Google Tasks list.

Managing Tasks with Assistant

  1. View Tasks: Ask “What’s on my to-do list?” to hear your tasks.
  2. Complete Tasks: Say “Mark [task name] as done” to complete a task.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Task Not Syncing

If tasks aren’t syncing across devices, try these steps:

  1. Check Internet Connection: Ensure you have a stable internet connection.
  2. Refresh: Manually refresh the tasks list.
  3. Re-login: Log out and log back into your Google account.

Tasks Disappeared

If tasks disappear unexpectedly:

  1. Check Task List: Ensure you’re looking at the correct task list.
  2. Undo Deletion: If tasks were accidentally deleted, check the Trash (if available) or undo recent actions.

Google Tasks Not Loading

If Google Tasks isn’t loading:

  1. Clear Cache: Clear your browser cache and cookies.
  2. Try Different Browser: Try accessing Google Tasks from a different browser.
  3. Update Browser: Ensure your browser is up to date.

FAQs about Google Tasks

Is Google Tasks free to use?

Yes, Google Tasks is free to use for all Google account holders.

Can I share my tasks with others?

Currently, Google Tasks does not support task sharing directly. However, you can share task lists via Google Keep or use third-party apps that integrate with Google Tasks for sharing functionality.

How do I prioritize tasks in Google Tasks?

Google Tasks does not have a built-in priority feature, but you can manually reorder tasks by dragging them or use task lists to categorize and prioritize your work.

Can I print my Google Tasks?

Yes, you can print your tasks by opening Google Tasks in the side panel, clicking on the three dots menu, and selecting “Print list.”

How secure is Google Tasks?

Google Tasks is as secure as your Google account. Ensure you use a strong password and enable two-factor authentication for added security.


I recently moved from Android to iOS. Even on an iPhone, my favorite app for recurring reminders is Google Tasks. I can easily add and manage items throughout the day from Chrome. I get my notifications and reminders on my iPhone.

Is Google Tasks your favorite or go-to Tasks app? Let me know in the comments field.

Is there any features or tips I missed in this article? Let me know in the comments section below and I’ll update the article.

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3 responses to “The Ultimate Guide to Google Tasks on Web”

  1. Stacey Avatar

    There is a misspelled word “You can use it wihtin (within) Gmail, Google Calendar or as an independent web app”

  2. There’s webpage access to your tasks at

    And tangentially, one can also access the Tasks service with Apps Script programs.

    1. Thank you, I updated the article.

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